About Us

The Naturist Woman

    Naturism is family-oriented, non-sexual nudity and is practiced by tens of millions of people worldwide. Unlike what popular culture portrays, nudity is not an invitation to sex but a way to breakdown the social barriers between people.

     Nudity is universal among Naturists, and no one is criticized for their body’s shape. Being able to see each others genitals is a given (after all, they can’t be hidden so why try when no one cares), and naturists are big on nude swimming, bowling, golf, hiking, camping and so much more.

    I named this website Naturist Studio in honor of naturist women: the ones who are barely through the front door when they remove their clothing. They clean, cook, raise children and relax in front of the TV while nude. They invite like-minded people over for barbecues, to play cards, and all those things friends do together, just without clothes on.

     Naturist women have longer marriages, are happier and less likely to engage in extramarital sex. Their children are less aware of social status when choosing friends, less likely to use drugs or commit crimes, and less likely to engage in premarital sex. They are just better people all around.


      Lee and I are building our own naturist paradise. We bought 42 acres of forest, small meadows and a year-around pond. It is primitive and beautiful. And a great place to take nude photos like the one on the right. The flowering bushes are called Ocean Spray and bloom for four days during the week following the 4th of July.

     There is a very large variety of wild life: coyotes, white tail deer, elk, and the occasional moose, but we haven’t seen bears or wolves, not that they aren’t in the area. A large flock of wild turkeys live in the forest and roam the meadows. Hawks, owls and redheaded wood peckers are some of the more spectacular birds. The pond is visited by mallard ducks and Canadian geese during the mating season. And we mustn’t forget the tree frogs who keep us free from mosquitoes.

     We are building an off-grid, passive solar-heated home that will be kind to the environment. The south side is all glass with seven foot tall windows. The law requires we have backup heat which will be high-efficiency wood stoves and propane radiant heat (for when we are gone during the coldest of winter and sunning someplace warm where we can take photos).

     Lee roams the forest nude, not taking any clothing with her outside of a hat and earrings. It is one of the most relaxing things a person can do and the tension of everyday life melts away.

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